Tag Archives: sydney

‘speedo’-ing through sydney.

Hello from Sydney!

(and a belated Merry Christmas)

The night I completed 3 weeks of hard but fulfilling work with a truly fantastic group of giving and fun-filled individuals, I hopped onto a plane heading for Christmas in the land down-under. More specifically, this would be Christmas in Sydney for the first time in 15 years. A relaxing break like this could not have come at a better time!

The most unique part about Christmas in Sydney is the oxymoron of summer and beaches with the iconic white winter Christmas imagery we all know so well. This was really drawn to my attention when someone recently asked me whether it was odd to see ‘tank-top wearing Santas’ in Australia, to which I replied with a “Strangely, I think I may be used to it”.  So, when organising our mandatory catch up with wifey @mighteee, I of course suggested that we embrace this Sydney ‘uniqueness’ and make our way to Bondi Beach.

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The Outskirts of Surry Hills

♪♫ Explorers – Muse

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‘Foodie Challenge’ Round-Up: Sydney (May/June 2015)

♪♫ Chocolate – The 1975

If one didn’t know any better and happened to scroll through my instagram, they would most likely make the inference that I spent 10 days in Sydney eating and doing nothing else. They wouldn’t be entirely correct but in no way would I say they were completely wrong either. With the days I spent waiting for ‘pending’ or ‘processing’ paperwork, I was determined to meet up with as many of my friends as possible; a corollary of this being the copious amount of coffees and brunches which came into existence.  There really is no better way to catch up with someone than over a relaxing brunch. Additionally, many of my foodie friends were enthusiastically recommending all of the ‘must-try’ hot-spots and dishes which I had better add onto my list before I left. Without further ado, the food ‘log’ shall be revealed…. *inhale*

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“Everything Before Us” – Wong Fu Productions

♪♫ My Dear – Kina Granis

A different kind of post today….

Wong Fu Marathons.

There.  I said it.

Apart from spending time with friends and family, Wong Fu Marathons have been my ‘go-to’ post exam activity.  I was introduced to this YouTube channel by Lil’ Bro just before my final high school exams.  Yes, a high risk situation, I was able to maintain enough self control and avert any major procrastination.

Post-exams, I was hooked and ‘tradition’ has been observed from then onwards.

If you haven’t already heard about Wong Fu Productions, allow me to do the honours.  It is a three- man American film making group, with their primary mode of delivery being YouTube.  A majority of their videos feature non-stereotypical or caricature-like Asians, which is a refreshing change and possibly part of the reason for their success.

Over the years, their ‘shorts’ (short films) have evolved from the simple and fun uploads to very well crafted works.  One thing that Lil’ Bro and I agree on is that regardless of story-line, the Wong Fu cinematography is well executed.  The angles, panning, transitions and colour tones can draw one in before the story has come into full play. Oh and it always helps when they have an awesome soundtrack!!

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“To Lead, To Excel, To Overcome”

Scenario: Friends and family members have spent the last year listening to Ming rattle on about what her brother has been up to in Singapore.  She enthusiastically shows them photos from the milestones of his army training and is always at least one hour early for these aforementioned events.  Additionally, she lugs around her oversized camera and uses up 8GB of storage space taking a ludicrous number of photographs and posting them all over instagram and Facebook with extended captions.

Diagnosis: a bad case of proud older sister syndrome.

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‘Where to next?’ – 2015 Update

♪♫ Heart of Life – John Mayer

Well hello empty space.

EEEK… I admit that my posting this year has been appalling and I won’t try to make any more excuses other than to say that it has been a more eventful and crazy 2015 than I had anticipated.

Over the past six months I officially graduated and had a taste of the work force. Before I knew it, I was accepting my dream university offer in Singapore and bidding farewell to work life.

It is rather funny how things unravel…
–> Since high school I had my mind set on pursuing medicine.
–> At the end of 2014 I had my mind set on taking 2015 to work in Singapore.
–> My relocation to Singapore has evolved into something more permanent
I can safely call this wonderful city home for this next phase of life
–> I am embarking an entirely different course of study in Singapore to pursue another dream and

Who knows where it will lead me….

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Final Sydney Post of 2014: Rushcutters Restaurant and Market Place

A final post on Sydney brunch for 2014…

It took me a significant amount of persuasion in order to convince my Dad to leave his study for a final Sydney brunch together.  After my first dining experience at Rushcutters for a friend’s 21st, the birthday girl herself (Hey Pip!) had me determined to revisit the cafe/restaurant/market place for brunch.

I must admit that I am susceptible to the luring decor and ambience of any dining location.  The high warehouse like ceilings and floor-to-ceiling glass panels created a spacious and almost al-fresco atmosphere.

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A last minute discovery: Cook & Archies, Surry Hills

The best things always seem to be discovered at the end of a journey. As the saying goes; ‘save the best for last’ and Cook & Archies is certainly no exception to this.

During my last week in Sydney, I brought mother to this gem in Surry Hills on a break from packing for my adventure. Originally, I had a post-exam brunch date lined up at the venue but alas, a bout of food-poisoning had my dining partner out of action.

After a few disappointing coffees on returning to Sydney, mother loved her cup and I could not agree more. Their roast has definitely made it onto #mingsfavourites (:P)!

As per usual, mother and I avoided ‘meal-commitment’ and shared a mix of savoury and sweet dishes.

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Paramount Coffee Project: Life happenings with a side of brunch

Hello desolate space…apologies for the prolonged hiatus. As per usual university ‘nerding’ was to blame. The final semester of degree was nothing short of exhausting and stressful but I can very happily say that those days are now behind me! Following my final set of exams I indulged in a glorious period of brunching with friends before the highly anticipated arrival of my mother who I have missed dearly.   A hectic week of packing ensued. ‘Why?’ You may ask.

After much thought and changes of heart I finally decided to take the leap of faith <insert that unforgettable scene in How I Met Your Mother where they leap onto the neighboring apartment roof top>

…and venture over to Singapore for one year of work.

Now that all crazy shenanigans have ended I can rekindle my love for this blog, which is in dire need of some TLC.  So hello again … but from Singapore!

Over the past year my foodie appetite was stunted due to much time devoted to study thus I was determined to tick off a number of places on my ‘wish-list’ yet to be tried. Let us start with my trip to the famously instagrammed Paramount Coffee Project in Surry Hills.

My dear friend Queen P was visiting from Thailand and for the first time in three years the stars finally aligned and we were able to embark on a chat-, food- and retail-filled day. Queen P is one of those friends that exudes a confidence and energy that is truly wonderful to be in the presence of, much like Queen B(eyonce) herself and a perfect fit for the vivacious environment of PCP. Located in the previous Paramount Film Offices in Surry Hills, the high ceilings and infiltrating sunshine generated a fantastic ambience.

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A Boy to Man: Basic Military Training Graduation

For the last six months I have been travelling between Sydney and Singapore, visiting my Lil’ Bro who has undergone quite a dramatic life-change; moving to Singapore (post-HSC) for National Service.  Although there was initial worry for him, in terms of adapting to such change, Lil’ Bro took the challenge with a determined and positive attitude and recently graduated from his Basic Military Training.

The final challenge of this component of his service was a 24km route march from the Training Centre to the majestic location of the Floating Platform at Marina Bay, which is surrounded by the beautiful icons of the city.  Following this gruelling but what Lil’ Bro describes as an emotional and breathtaking march, symbolic of their 10 week intensive training, the ‘recruits’ take part in their ‘Passing Out Parade’ (shortened to POP) where they are met by their family and friends.

This event was highly anticipated by my family, however my suspicions are that I was the most eager of all.  The night before the POP, I set numerous alarms to ensure that we would be able to secure front row seats for the best photo opportunities – I was out of my bed at 4.00am.  My parents and aunt were amused by my eagerness, especially when we ended up being the first to arrive at Marina Bay although I insisted that we were already arriving very late!

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