Monthly Archives: November 2012

Creating Memories: Foodie Trek

The poor soul of my blog was slightly neglected over exam period, but now it is time to inject some life back into it, especially since I have memory card full of photos that is literally screaming to be blogged hehe.  Now that summer holidays are in full swing, I hope to share some of my favourite eats and experiences of 2012.

Maybe it’s just the Singaporean culture within me but my greatest memories have always seemed to be created in association with good food!  Over mid-semester break a.k.a mid-semester catch up with work(!!), Mumma kindly decided to take a day off work to turn the long weekend into an even longer one.  Yay!  Mumma is truly my best friend and any time we spend together always creates fond memories no matter what mischief we get up to!  “What should we do tomorrow?” she asked me on Thursday night as we rolled out of Home Thai.  “Food trek?!” I asked.  The days Mumma has time off work are rare and treasured, so what better way to use them than to bask in the relaxing world of cafes and coffee?!

We made our way through four eating spots – Café Cre Asion, Silvas Portuguese Chicken and Sweet Belem in Petersham and Café Shenkin in Newtown.

I absolutely loved Café Cre Asion!!  After reading about it in the online foodie-verse at chocolatesuze, bitemeshowme etc, this hidden gem has been on my wish list for a while.  With an inconspicuous location at the back of a Surry Hills laneway, it has been claimed to have the best macarons in Sydney.

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Welcome to Summer: Smoyo Froyo

Hello friends!

Apologies for the lack of postings as of late! Exams were a traumatic (:P) and busy time but I am finally back and officially on summer break for the next…wait for it…FOUR MONTHS (!!), which means, with the excess time for eating/blogging will hopefully come a whole wave of posts.

Thought I would reboot the blog with a lil’ shout out to the people at Smoyo Froyo.

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