Tag Archives: helloitsming

roast(ing) in bangkok.


HI ALL!!  Unfortunately, I’ve had the sad realisation that photos are no longer loading on the majority of my posts on this lil’ space as the photo-host I was using has undergone some changes.  I’ve switched things up but don’t think I can salvage my older posts.  So… instead of fretting over past posts, onwards and upwards we shall go.


Here’s a little vignette of my recent trip to Bangkok.  Having been about 9 years since my first and only trip to the bustling city, I suggested to my Mum that we take a girls only trip in celebration of her birthday.  Shining bright at the top of the trip’s wish-list was brunch at ROAST.

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‘speedo’-ing through sydney.

Hello from Sydney!

(and a belated Merry Christmas)

The night I completed 3 weeks of hard but fulfilling work with a truly fantastic group of giving and fun-filled individuals, I hopped onto a plane heading for Christmas in the land down-under. More specifically, this would be Christmas in Sydney for the first time in 15 years. A relaxing break like this could not have come at a better time!

The most unique part about Christmas in Sydney is the oxymoron of summer and beaches with the iconic white winter Christmas imagery we all know so well. This was really drawn to my attention when someone recently asked me whether it was odd to see ‘tank-top wearing Santas’ in Australia, to which I replied with a “Strangely, I think I may be used to it”.  So, when organising our mandatory catch up with wifey @mighteee, I of course suggested that we embrace this Sydney ‘uniqueness’ and make our way to Bondi Beach.

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granola game.


I must sheepishly confess that this blog really has become an ‘inter-semester’ space.  This semester was one of the most challenging and the thought of blogging was sadly displaced.  Seeing that 2016 is drawing to a close (extremely quickly), it might be apt that writing be added to my the new year’s resolutions list.

As a peace-offering for neglecting this space, I propose a special recipe of sorts on the eve of beginning a three-week internship.  Granola bakes are my go-to therapy when I find time in semester, but more so when the storm of law school has cleared and the holidays have arrived.  There is something rewarding about the strengthening aroma and warmth as the timer ticks away on my beloved toaster oven and the droplets of granola crunch into gift boxes (if not a cereal bowl).  Essentially, #granolaislife.

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♪♫ headlights – robin schulz ft. ilsey

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#crazycousincatchups @ Stateland Cafe + Loysel’s Toy

♪♫ Daylight – Matt and Kim

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The Outskirts of Surry Hills

♪♫ Explorers – Muse

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Hyde & Co. – An Education

♪♫ Aftermath – Muse

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