Category Archives: Review


♪♫ headlights – robin schulz ft. ilsey

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“Everything Before Us” – Wong Fu Productions

♪♫ My Dear – Kina Granis

A different kind of post today….

Wong Fu Marathons.

There.  I said it.

Apart from spending time with friends and family, Wong Fu Marathons have been my ‘go-to’ post exam activity.  I was introduced to this YouTube channel by Lil’ Bro just before my final high school exams.  Yes, a high risk situation, I was able to maintain enough self control and avert any major procrastination.

Post-exams, I was hooked and ‘tradition’ has been observed from then onwards.

If you haven’t already heard about Wong Fu Productions, allow me to do the honours.  It is a three- man American film making group, with their primary mode of delivery being YouTube.  A majority of their videos feature non-stereotypical or caricature-like Asians, which is a refreshing change and possibly part of the reason for their success.

Over the years, their ‘shorts’ (short films) have evolved from the simple and fun uploads to very well crafted works.  One thing that Lil’ Bro and I agree on is that regardless of story-line, the Wong Fu cinematography is well executed.  The angles, panning, transitions and colour tones can draw one in before the story has come into full play. Oh and it always helps when they have an awesome soundtrack!!

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