Category Archives: Ming

‘speedo’-ing through sydney.

Hello from Sydney!

(and a belated Merry Christmas)

The night I completed 3 weeks of hard but fulfilling work with a truly fantastic group of giving and fun-filled individuals, I hopped onto a plane heading for Christmas in the land down-under. More specifically, this would be Christmas in Sydney for the first time in 15 years. A relaxing break like this could not have come at a better time!

The most unique part about Christmas in Sydney is the oxymoron of summer and beaches with the iconic white winter Christmas imagery we all know so well. This was really drawn to my attention when someone recently asked me whether it was odd to see ‘tank-top wearing Santas’ in Australia, to which I replied with a “Strangely, I think I may be used to it”.  So, when organising our mandatory catch up with wifey @mighteee, I of course suggested that we embrace this Sydney ‘uniqueness’ and make our way to Bondi Beach.

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The Year of Change: 2014

2014 has been a year of change and growing up (as cliche as that sounds).

New people came into my life while others filtered out.

My Mum and I spent a majority of the year in different countries.

I had an epiphany about my future and study plans.

I turned 21.

I completed my first undergraduate degree.

(Now what to do with a Bachelor of Medical Science?)

I relocated to Singapore for the year of 2015.

My Little Brother moved to Singapore for National Service. For the first time I had a glimpse into the life of an only child.  But really, he underwent and experienced the greatest change of all.  Change may in fact be too modest a description as he undoubtedly has transformed into a man.   Nevertheless, I still see my baby brother underneath the mature and learned exterior.

My goals and hopes for 2015:

Find a job, which will hopefully help me figure out my ‘where to next?’.

Have fun and enjoy being 21!

Spend more quality time with the family.

Cook and bake deliciousness.

Read more.

Write more.

Capture more photographs.

Eat well.

Sleep well.

Get fit (mmm…maybe)

Thank you to the Sydney Food Bloggers and any readers out there for your support and patience in 2014.  I hope that you all have a fantastic New Year celebration!

What are you all planning for 2015?!

Until next year!

Ming xx